Organizations for you to know about.

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Foundation for Health Creation

The Foundation for Health Creation is a community project dedicated to expanding the scope of public health. We seek to collectively explore the question of “What is health?” Current health care goals center around disease prevention and detection, with “health” defined as the absence of disease. But health is much more than this; health is defined by its positive features, such as joy, vitality, resiliency, creativity, warmth, compassion, curiosity, patience, reverence, hope, courage, enthusiasm, selflessness, the desire to help others and to reach our fullest creative potential. This is now more relevant than ever. Our world is rapidly changing and we are realizing that health is profoundly interdependent: It depends on our environment, community, food, relationships, economics, education as well as our approach to illness. In other words, Health is Global. And while we are far away from realizing such an approach to health care, unless we start imagining such an approach and creating practical steps for its emergence, it most certainly will not come to pass. If we open our minds and our hearts wide enough, we will find the will to take action and become positive instruments for change.

FHC is a non-profit organization working to improve health care and advance public health initiatives through education and outreach directed at creating and sustaining health rather than simply preventing disease. We actively partner with individuals and organizations who share these goals.

Our mission includes ensuring that all patients have access to integrative medicine and therapies.


Anthroposophic Health Association

Anthroposophic medicine and therapeutics are practiced in over 60 countries around the world. Each health professional is fully credentialed, for example as a doctor, nurse, or massage therapist. In addition, these professionals add a holistic, anthroposophic perspective to their care.

You can access their Directory for a detailed listing of doctors, nurses and therapists by state.

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Believe Big

Believe Big provides patients with hope, help, and healing.

Established in 2011, Believe Big is bridging the gap between conventional and complementary medicine for fighting cancer. Believe Big provides patients with hope, help, and healing.

To see cancer patients and their families discover their pathway to healing. 

To help families face, fight, and overcome cancer. 


  • Educate individuals on a comprehensive approach to cancer prevention and treatment.

  • Connect patients with physicians trained in mistletoe therapy, oncology nutritionists, andthe resources necessary to help them advocatefor their own health.

  • Provide spiritual support to help patients and their families overcome fear and anxiety.

  • Overcome cancer with the development of The Believe Big Institute of Health and supporting the ongoing phases of the Mistletoe Clinical Trial in collaboration with The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. BELIEVE BIG