Become an active member, and make a difference!
PAAM Membership
PAAM is a member-supported organization dedicated to creating and empowering a community of healthcare professionals to make a difference in their communities.
When you join, your membership dues support the important work of bringing Anthroposophic Medicine to more practitioners and patients through conferences, training opportunities and ongoing dialogue amongst colleagues and community members in the United States of America, Europe and around the world.
Who can join?
MDs, DOs, NPs, PAs, Dentists and Pharmacists, and current students of these disciplines.
If you do not have these credentials, you can still be a PAAM Supporter. For a $40 annual contribution, PAAM Supporters will receive four issues (yearly) of the PAAM Medical Letter.
PAAM Membership Benefits
PAAM Membership is your gateway to a community of like-minded clinicians and researchers in North America. Membership connects you to a network of colleagues from multiple disciplines and specialties who are using and studying Anthroposophic Medicine.
Additionally, membership benefits include the following:
Discounts on PAAM Training events and webinars
Membership in our umbrella organizations: the Anthroposophic Health Association (AHA) and the International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations (IVAA) in Dornach, Switzerland.
Subscription to the following publications and calendars:
The Medical Letter —A quarterly comprehensive research-based electronic newsletter related to medicine and Anthroposophic Medicine
The Education Calendar — Bimonthly email announcement of our events
The Foundation for Health Creation — electronic newsletter issued seasonally about health creation. This can be shared with patients in lieu of writing a newsletter
Lilipoh Magazine —print or digital subscription to their quarterly publication
Discount on advertising in Lilipoh Magazine
Access to the Practice Management Guide, a guide for physicians setting up their own private practice
Live online and social media discussion forums for members
Listing in the online PAAM Physicians Directory and the online AHA Provider Directory (upon approval)
Access to curated Practice Management Resources
We want to encourage as many people as possible to become members. We have different levels of membership.
PAAM Benefactor - $1,000.00 (USD)
PAAM Member (MD or DO, Sustaining) - $350.00 (USD)
PAAM Member (MD or DO, Transition and Special Circumstance) - $150.00 (USD)
PAAM Member (Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Dentist or Pharmacist) - $150.00
PAAM Student Member - $1.00 (USD)
PAAM Supporter - $40.00 (USD)
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