Tools for Change
Anthroposophic Medical Training Conferences
The 2025 AnthroMedicine Conference
Beyond the Molecular and Mechanical Model: Lung, Liver, Kidney, Heart
Hosted by the Physicians' Association for Anthroposophic Medicine (PAAM),
presented by The Medical Section at the Goetheanum, Switzerland
May 10-17, 2025
Sunrise Ranch in Loveland, Colorado (about 1.25 hrs from Denver)
This course will open up whole new perspectives for you!
Come join us this Spring 2025 for a special AnthroMedicine Conference dedicated to the study of the 4 cardinal organs. We welcome both new learners and experienced practitioners for this extraordinary week.
This year in the cycle is different because in place of plant study, which we offer most years, we have the opportunity to examine fresh animal organs which have been prepared by biodynamic farmers. This is a rare opportunity, and we are grateful to participate in this reverential study together.
We will be joined by guest faculty Dr. Marco Ephraim (Anthroposophic family physician, Netherlands) and Albert Schmidli (Anthroposphic pharmacist, Thailand) who will guide us through:
A phenomenological study of the cardinal organs
A review of the alchemical principals behind the “dorons”: remedies directed at specific organs and formulated by Rudolf Steiner
This will be accompanied by morning eurythmy (group movement), fresh organ observation and palpation, small group text study, presentations on clinical applications for psychiatric and physical illness, and experiences of nursing organ therapies.

Enter a protected space that allows you to think new thoughts
Sunrise Ranch is home to many people and serves many functions.
Serves as a conference and retreat center, as well as a holistically managed working ranch
Staffed by a committed community of people in service to the transformation of the world
Hosting enlightened thought leaders and educational programs
Bringing profound learning to the heart of the human experience
In the foothills of the Rocky Mountains
Connecting with people around the globe
Experience new ways of understanding and observing the world
2025 will be the fourth year of a 4-year training cycle, but newcomers are always welcome!
The 5-year course in Anthroposophic Pharmacy, taught by Albert Schmidli, PharmD, is now entering its fourth year!
Connect your academic mind with your intuitive heart…
Join us again in 2025 for a chance to consider, shift, reorient, transform, and find guidance for moving into a new phase of life.
Open to all licensed prescribers (MD, DO, ND, NP, PA, DDS and PharmD), as well as students of those disciplines still in training.
"Every meeting, discussion and gathering I attended created an 'awe' that blew my mind. The lectures were extremely helpful and timely. It gave me a lot of support and hope for the work we do. There have been many suggestions, exercises and opportunities to learn and self-develop at the Anthroposophic Medical Training that I would not have found in any other 'scientific meetings'."
— Vinay Parameswara, MD
Guest Faculty for the 2025 AnthroMedicine Conference
Marco Ephraïm is a MD and family physician for 31 years in Primary Health Centre 'Therapeuticum Aurum', Zoetermeer, Netherlands. He is married to Sarah Goudsmit, former Waldorf school teacher and now for 20 years life coach and counselor. They have three adult children.
Marco studied medicine in Amsterdam, and he has been inspired by Bernard Lievegoed, Albert Soesman, Joop van Dam and others. After his graduation as MD, Marco worked in the Willem Zeylmanskliniek (inner medicine) near Utrecht, then in the Filderklinik near Stuttgart (pediatrics), followed by his specialization in family medicine in Nijmegen/Eindhoven. In 1993 they settled in Zoetermeer, where Marco was requested to start the third practice in the Therapeuticum. In 1998 he initiated the construction of a new organic building and in 2002 construction was completed. 'Aurum' now has 40 co-workers and covers primary care for 8000 inhabitants, which accounts for 6% of the city.
Since 2002 he has trained young doctors from Leiden University during their first or third year of the post-graduate family medicine training. Between 2002 and 2018 Marco visited several times Ukraine and Russia to work together with colleagues and therapists in the IPMT's or other conferences. He has taught in the training for curative eurythmy, in The Hague and Cape Town, about knowledge of man, metamorphosis of bones and larynx, with modelling workshops and meeting patients.
From 2015 - 2017 he followed a training in policy and governance of health care and finished this with a project plan to apply the communication model of Positive Health, as developed by Machteld Huber, for very complex patients. The outcome after 3 years was that these patients, who often give doctors feelings of despair, found more meaningfulness, experienced more health improvements and made less health care costs. Last but not least, doctorss became more happy to support these patients.
Marco Ephraïm
Albert Schmidli
Albert Schmidli worked in a very responsible position in research and development for a major pharmaceutical company in Switzerland and Ireland. While he was preventing a huge chemical catastrophe in Ireland, on this threshold between life and death, he heard the call of the great initiate Christian Rosenkreuz. Following this inner call to serve Rudolf Steiner’s medical impulse, he joined Weleda, one of the world’s leading Anthroposophic pharmaceutical companies. It is legendary that the company, inspired by his thoughts, set up a new pharmaceutical research and development department for him on this occasion. In this he developed, in close cooperation with Anthroposophic doctors, new Anthroposophic medicines for over 25 years, and was at the same time, responsible for training doctors and pharmacists. Ten years ago he decided to live as a lecturer and teacher, which he and others recognized as a real calling. Since then he has been invited as a trainer to seminars worldwide to train Anthroposophic doctors and pharmacists. Also trained as a Waldorf teacher himself, his lectures are not only infinitely profound but also full of humor. The inspiring experiments are admired by participants as well as teachers and lecturers in many countries.
2025 Training Conference Faculty
Dr. Adam Blanning, MD
Dr. Blanning is certified in Anthroposophic medicine and board-certified in family medicine, and has served on the faculty of New York Medical College and the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Adam was elected as Co-Leader of the Medical Section at the Goetheanum in September 2023 and he serves as Co-Director for PAAM's Foundation Training Program. He founded and directs the Denver Center for Anthroposophic Therapies, which offers Anthroposophic Medicine, therapeutic eurythmy, Anthroposophic Nursing and rhythmical massage. He works with Waldorf schools in Denver and Boulder as an educational and developmental consultant.
Dr. Steven Johnson, DO
Dr. Johnson is an internationally respected lecturer, teacher and physician, and has dedicated himself to bridging Anthroposophic and integrative principals into mainstream medicine. After creating one of the first successful models of integrative care in Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Johnson joined the Fellowship Community in Spring Valley, New York, an eldercare initiative dedicated to social therapy and community life. Since 2019, Dr. Johnson has served as the Course Director for the PAAM Mistletoe Training Program. He recently co-wrote a book, Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology.
Carmen Hering, DO
Dr. Hering integrates Anthroposophic Medicine with Osteopathic and Family Medicine in private practice in Albany, California. She serves as adjunct faculty at Touro University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Vallejo, trains medical students in her office, teaches at the Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training (BACWTT), and serves as current PAAM President and Co-Director of PAAM’s Foundation Training Program.
Glenda Monasch, TE
Glenda grew up in South Africa, surrounded by the songs and rhythmic dances of the indigenous cultures. She received her eurythmy training at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, and her post-graduate eurythmy therapy training in the U.K. with certification by both the Performing Arts Section and the Medical Section at the Goetheanum. She is the codirector of the Therapeutic Eurythmy Training of North America (TETNA) and has been the resident eurythmy trainer for IPMT/US since 2008. She has extensive experience in all aspects of eurythmy - performance, pedagogical, social, and therapy. Glenda is in private therapeutic eurythmy practice in Boulder, CO, in consultation with Dr. Blanning, and participates with physicians and fellow therapists in yearly study and mentoring conferences in Crestone and Denver. She is a certified AnthroMed practitioner.
PAAM’s AnthroMedicine Conferences
Every year PAAM offers a week-long intensive training in late Spring, as part of the Annual AnthroMedicine Conference (formerly the International Postgraduate Medical Training Week). While the Conference offers opportunity for experienced physicians to connect and deepen their studies, the Conference is also designed to offer a foundational training in Anthroposophic medicine for licensed MDs, DOs, NDs, PAs, NPs, Pharmacists and Dentists.
There are four clinical topics, which rotate by year:
1. Therapeutic Foundations: Physical, Functional, Emotional, Spiritual (2022, next offered 2026)
2. A New Physiologic Paradigm: Threefold Insights for Health and Illness (2023, next offered 2027)
3. Seven Constitutional Gestures in Diagnosis and Treatment (2024)
4. Beyond the Molecular and Mechanical Model: Lung, Liver, Kidney, Heart (2025)
The curriculum each year builds upon the ideas and concepts of previous years, but it does not assume previous knowledge, making it worthwhile for newcomers to jump in at any point in the four-year cycle